This week, I talked about a few things. It was a good week to remind people that while the days are rapidly getting shorter, the loss of minutes is going to slow down at the end of November, and we will STOP losing minutes at the end of the day in early December. We will still lose minutes in the morning until early January, but at least the sunset will stop getting earlier! It’s getting darker, and chillier, so I encouraged everyone to lean into the darkness and the Yin time of year. Rest more, do less, create space between your activities, sleep more. And then we talked some more about how to improve sleep, like taking in less caffeine, making sure your room is cool and dark, and taking nervine herbs like chamomile and lemon balm. We moved on to help for fall allergies, because we’re moving indoors and encountering more dust and mold, We finished with chewing peppercorns for their terpenes, which can reduce anxiety, including increased anxiety from the THC in cannabis!